Hermitage of Santa Maria de les Feixes

Santa Maria de les Feixes is a hermitage of Baroque style dedicated to the Mother of God and documented from the 14th century that has always been part of the parish of les Feixes and has been linked to the Masia of Can Canaletes.

It has been reformed several times, especially by the company of Jesús and Magí Negrevernís, that were its last proprietors and they gave it its current look. In 2005 works began on the restoration of the hermitage, which are still ongoing.

The restoration project was designed by Francisco Javier Asarta and Montserrat Caldés, based on the documentation and the study of the architectural tests documented in the first works carried out in the building. The hermitage stands on the remains of a Roman villa of the first century AD whose importance has been evidenced in the archaeological excavations carried out in the interior during restoration works.


Tercer diumenge de maig i novembre de mes de 10 a 14h
Diumenge de les Jornades Europees del Patrimoni
Visita guiada a les 11 i 12.30 h en horari d’obertura
Agost tancat

Avinguda d’Horta/camí de Can Catà (Parc Natural de la serra de Collserola)
És de propietat privada