Town Hall

Cerdanyola’s Town Hall is a 19th century building designed by the architect Eduard Maria Balcells in 1920 and, as a parish church, rose between the two neighborhoods of Cerdanyola that had been formed throughout the 19th century, forming the power center of the village.

Over time, the building has been transformed to meet the needs of a growing population, especially from the 60s-70s. The main façade and the handicraft of the plenary hall are the main elements that remain of that first town hall.

At the entrance to the building, on the right side, there is an exhibition on the forms that Cerdanyola has gone through from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, from feudalism to the democratic town hall.


De dilluns a divendres de 8.30 a 19 h
En períodes de vacances: 8.30 a 14 h


Plaça de Francesc Layret, s/n
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès